The least I could say is that we are going through humid times. That would be subjective. Therefore I will just let the mushroom that grew on our windowsill illustrate this time of the year. It grew like a mushroom, without us noticing it until it was this big. After taking the pic I carefully removed it, not so sure if the ocher powder it sprinkled around itself was safe to have in a house where not only mushroom live, but people too. I have been trying to act as if the rain did not affect the things we do, such as going out for walks with the girls and Tintin, with gumboots and rain coats of course, but was reminded that I do not like this constant feeling of being wet, when we ran out of dry underwear. This is where we were rescued by my friend and her tumble dryer, and I am very grateful for that. The girls made a thank you yogurt-almond-oats-and-chocolate cake and we all enjoyed having the oven on, not for the heat, but for a little added dryness.
As I write, rather late tonight, samba music is on our street as Ouro Preto warms up for Carnival, officially starting on my birthday this year. Yay!