Saturday, September 10, 2011

What's new?

Coline has teeth, she can sit up and tries to stand by herself, she is one big smiley baby, she likes pear sorbet "a la Algrid" and she enjoys playing by herself in a cot. Leila looooves her daddy, she can write her name and mostly speaks her own (fourth) language, generally through her dummy. I just got involved with Ouro Preto's recently created Alliance Francaise and am loving getting in touch with the French and Brazilians there, as well as the challenge of preparing lessons for two 6 year old children (and Leila) twice a week.

And... we have a dog! Cristiano surprised us and even he took some time to decide whether the surprise was a good one or not, because this little 2-month-old Tintin (prononcer tchin-tchin) is just another messy baby in the house! He is also very cute and good tempered, and so he is definitely already part of the family.


  1. On dirais que Colline a deja eu une coupe de cheveu! Bonne chance avec tes trois petits alors! et a tres bientot! Lyon etait chaud mais super!

  2. Et voila une bien belle famille... je suis ravie pour les lessons de francais mais l'option coiffure est a revoir....
    Superbe la surprise!!!!! La bienvenue a Tchin tchin.

  3. coucou, c'est dingue comme Coline me semble changée avec cette nouvelle coupe de cheveux ! J'adore cette coupe !!! Happy sorbets et big hug :) Algrid
