One afternoon between 1 and 5:30 pm. Smiles, smiles and more smiles.

Early morning with Tintin. He has been teaching Leila to present her bottom to her sister's face, and Coline to chew shoes, paper and more.

Papaya is something that Coline does not eat but enjoys smearing herself up with. Grapes, on the other hand went down pretty well. It is a pity that we rarely find them here (or they do not taste like grape. Seriously!)

Such delightful culinary experiences are restricted to hot days (and that is because I truly resent having food all over the place, clothes and myself, and she has no clue about it).

On Sundays we often go out for a long walk in town and come back home for a shower, dinner and a (kiddies) movie. That day Leila did not make it to the 5th minute.

Their bath is small indeed, but they have fun in it. I really like the inflatable bath. Coline has been sitting, standing, slipping in it and never hurt herself. I just sit and watch.

Leila's shot. She does love her South African daddy.

Coline kept herself busy with the books on that shelf for a couple of days.

She generally woudn't stop until it was empty. She now has moved on. She pics one and either eats it, or turns the pages, for ages.

... doing pull ups...

It is safe to say that the weather has been unpredictable lately. One day with a beanie, the next in a cold water basin.

By the way, this is where tintin stays most of the time. We miss our garden!

Just tall enough to knock to table, Coline practices her standing skills while Leila paints. That was a typical "swimming lesson morning" where Leila is in a good mood and hence so is the rest of the family.

Showing them off, there are now 5. Teeth.

This bed is made for playing, and that's just what she'll do. One of these days this bed... oh forget it.

And another heaven for little miss happily-empty-any-shelf-in-a-blink.

Team work at noon. Leila, here, and as on most days, dressed in Anita's ballerina gear with her "jupe Provencale", standing at the edge of a stool, was cutting potatoes, with a real knife indeed.
Pour les ceusses qui comme moi, ne savaient pas ce qu'est a beany:
voilà même comment en faire.(j'espère que c' le bon lien)
super sympa ces photos et légends,
MC, écroulée de rire;
Merci :) C'est du bonheur...
ReplyDeletemerci pour le lien "beanie": j'en ai profite pour corriger l'orthographe. Il n'y a plus une seule langue que j'ecrive correctement!
ReplyDeleteyeah! merci pour ces chouettes photos!!! Ca fait du bien de vous e-voir!
ReplyDeleteOn vous embrasse bien fort!
Jane, Francesco et Octave
Ah! mes amours
à défaut de vous voir et vous entendre, heureusementilyaceblog!
ReplyDeleteboa noite (c' comme j'ai écrit?)
KIkou ma gwennette,
ReplyDeleteJe vais suivre le blog a ma maman et au botaniste, ça pourrait lui donner des idées hihihihihi!
Je suis ravie de partager votre bonheur! Des bisous aux grandes princesses!!! Je vous embrasse fort fort fort,
C'etait Marion au fait ahahahahaah!