Dear friends (this includes family), as I read the first comment on my apron - robe du soir, I started wondering what it was that was going to end up in the little pocket in the front of that apron. I thought it would probably be a pocket screwdriver, a shopping list, a randomly abandoned hair clip, a nut, a shell or a set of keys. I wished it would be my favorite pen (currently gone missing although it is surely inside the house) and hoped it would not be a snotty little tissue paper used to blow some child's nose. Then I forgot about it. How astounding it was to find out that the first thing to enter my apron's pocket was in fact...
Be the first to guess the end of the sentence above and win your own custom made apron (it will necessarily be of another fabric because I buy fabric from a local shop that sells it by the kilo and rarely has the same two weeks in a row).

Send your guess or a question as a comment (one per person per day, email me if you cannot drop a comment). hi hi hi.
Was it inside when the picture was taken ?
ReplyDelete(it must be very slim in this case)...
nope, the pocket was empty when the picture was taken. please remember to sign your comments!
ReplyDeleteIs it made of flesh?
ReplyDeleteAnd how much astounded have you been when you found out?
ReplyDeleteIt is not made of flesh, and on a scale from 0 to 10 where super-astounded counts 10, I was about 7.
ReplyDeleteSo, rather very astouned, or almost very ----
ReplyDeletehad it fallen from ....your head or above it ?,
(oh, dear! it's already my question of tomorrow!)
It did not fall, I put it in there.
ReplyDeletehmmm im going for a food item!...since this is whats on my mind constantly these days either coz im too sick to have some or having too much or surprised at what im having
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deleteno idea why my comment was removed, yes it was food!
DeleteDoes it belong to you or one of the girls?
ReplyDeletedoes this count as your April 3rd question? ;-) it belonged to me.
Deletethe pen you've lost, a gift from your man, a drawing like van gogh from your daughter, mmmmm je cherche......Hélène
ReplyDeleteca aurait pu, mais non. j'aime bien penser que tu cherches...
Deletemy piano?
Deletedoes it have a shape of banana?
DeleteA pocketsized book ?
DeleteMyriam suggested a gecko, and although we have at least 2 resident geckos in the house, none of them got into that pocket, yet.
ReplyDeleteA pichet of Cotes du Rhone?
ReplyDeleteA home-made cookie?
had I only thought about it, it would surely have been a bottle of Cotes du Rhones. hmmmm. but nope. neither was it a homemade cookie. you're getting close, though.
ReplyDeleteSo it is edible??
ReplyDeletePlease hurry in your answers: i'm living to Italy tonight, and no way I'll survive Easter if I do not know what the hell ended up in your damn pocket.
Dos it have the shape of your pocket??
yes it is edible. I really have no idea why my comment was removed (I replied to Lee-Sa that it was a "food item" indeed). So you are going to Italy for easter again! I wish I was there too, to enjoy ham, cheese, brinjals and the rest from dawn to dusk, and of course to be with you. ENjoy!
Deletea candy? an old lollipop? or the best one: un nounours au chocolat??? Tell me I'm the winner!!! des bisous en attendant
un oeuf (de pâques) ou un vrai?, une miettre de qlq chose, cake,
ReplyDeletec' petit ou grand comme la poche?
it´s not an egg, nor a crumb nor cake, much smaller than the pocket
Deleteit´s getting tricky with these multiple guesses. I actually think that we kind of have a winner, because although it was not a bear it was chocolate indeed! Congratulations Helene! I hope you enjoyed playing the game. I will be busy making your apron soon, and if anybody else who played this game actually really wanted an apron too, I will be happy to make it for you. LOve and hugs on this Easter friday!
ReplyDeleteAh!, bien sûr ! chocolate, of course, bravo pour la winner,'s a good time for me to have a chocolate bite, now !
ReplyDelete(5:38 ?)
hugs to you all, and specially for Lee-Sa
J'arrive complètement après 'la bataille' et je vais gérer tant bien que mal ma frustration de n'avoir pas même pu participer, moi qui adore les jeux... en attendant le prochain !
ReplyDeletemaman, I must admit that I was surprised not to find it as your first suggestion, but I guessed that winning an apron was not the most exciting thing ever.
ReplyDeleteAlgrid (I guess that you left the comment above), I will make sure that you can play next time. Cause yes I found it fun indeed, and so there will be a next time.
hahaha excellent so it was food...obviously what else could it have been! Little bit jealous for not winning but then again Im not so much in the kitchen and Im sure any apron you make deserves to be used to cook with rather than in the garden as a dirt shield for a naked belly. bisous and specialy for MC ;)
ReplyDeleteFélicitation Hélène, on est les meilleures de toute façon :-). Ce petit jeu m'a beaucoup plus. Hélène R.
ReplyDeleteet du coup, ya du chocolat partout dedans?
ReplyDeletebiz Tatie Dina