Thursday, July 12, 2012


14:30 is the time when I am back from Leila's school and the car ride or walk in the sling back home has done the trick on Coline, when home has been turned into a 5-bedroom playground and tidied all up again, art has been painted, clothes have been hung to dry, our little "forest" on the terrace has been taken care of. It is the time when I sit at my computer with a cup of Earl grey tea and sometimes a treat too, when the sun bathes my office and I just feel good about my life. 14:30 is my time and for the next 30 min to 1 h 30 (Coline is an amazing afternoon napper) I simply enjoy... sewing, writing, chatting and long-distance calls to those that cannot just pop in and have tea with me, even reading sometimes, preparing for the afternoon french classes (on holiday until September!) and of course catching up with admin - groceries and other day-to-day requirements, all of it with a great sense of freedom just because I can focus on something or someone else than a child. And then part II of the day starts and thanks to this break I am happy to see my girls again, more or less until the afternoon napper's bedtime, around 10 pm. 

Coline and I have been taking Tintin for a night-walk in town lately, playing hide and seek with the moon. I cannot get enough of her excitement when she finds it, over and over again, of hearing all these words that she makes up, her breath as she has her last feed of the day, but how great it is to feel her body become all soft again with sleep and to know that my time number two has come. These days I spend it knitting, or rather learning to knit. There is not much coming out yet but it feels like the perfect activity to relax before bedtime on these chilly nights. I have enjoyed the feel of Stellenbosch's scarecrow organic's cotton and bamboo yarn on my fingers as much as Leila enjoys wearing my first ever beany even though that may have to do with the fact that I originally said I was making it for Coline.

I did not see myself with this life a few years ago. I guess I will be doing sports again, going out to restaurants, movies and more, perhaps playing music, perhaps even working on science papers at night. For now it just feels like my life is great the way it is - may I remember this when I am about to lose patience early in the morning!

How do you feel about your life and what do you do with your "me time"?


  1. running, running, running, end then stop for a little time to enjoy the quiet and the sun, and look with smilly eyes that the porpose of the run is: for our kids to open their mind and eyes to sport, music, art, friends... for us to keep our social life, our body fit and our mind full of our favorite activities... In my "to do lost before I die", I have to add new lines, I tested or initiate what I wanted, it's a good sign, no? Hélène R.

  2. thanks Helene for sharing.
    I did not think of running (never enjoyed it much in terms of sports) but noticed that Leila complains when we walk (that she is tired, everything takes too long and is too far away) but agrees to run.
