Monday, June 3, 2013

Sunday in Ouro Preto

This week-end in Ouro Preto, we woke up too late to join the procession of "Corpus Christi" but we bumped into a pack of horse riders on the way to Mariana.

We spent the week-end with the cousins who live in Belo Horizonte. Leila somewhat dissappeared for two days, as busy as she was playing with her cousin Heitor. Coline took longer to feel at ease but eventually had fun in her bath with Sofia. They all had a delightful time as Debora read one of our favorite books: "Na frente a minha casa" (original title: "Devant ma maison", by Marianne Dubuc, which I warmly recommend for young toddlers and anyone in the process of learning a foreign language.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! the pleasure we can see on all the faces on this pict... Cousins sweet ...
    Thanks for the brasilian words, too, good memories ;
    Today was a special Portuguese day in France, with a visit by the mayor of Lisboa, in Paris and a very nice concert by a Portuguese singer, last :
    .the Sun has been back since Saturday !!!( on the Mediterrenee coast, since Sunday elsewhere on the country).
    love & xxxxxxxxxxx,
