Friday, July 19, 2013

we are moving soon

A new neighbor has moved in with a perfect timing for me to get all the boxes that we need. The permanent playground that is our home is under siege and although I have already packed most of the toys away the fun has not faded.

We surely had many delightful moments on this terrace but I am happy that we are moving to a place where we can spend more time outside and increase our scale of planting. As always, looking forward to changes in our lives.


  1. and also packed everybody! Good luck with the move!
    Muaaaaaaaaaaa, Marion

  2. Ah!la fête des cartons, merveilleux cartons, en théâtre, en cabane, ... pour petit-e-s et grand-e-s!

  3. Ahahah !!! En voilà un motif (comme s'il en fallait un) pour que je revienne vous voir... (voyage prévu au Costa Rica pour octobre 2014, évidemment je viendrai à ce moment là - y serez vous encore ?!) Des bises, cousine'Algrid
