Cris: "Coline Rosa Lana" (got confused with "Leila Rosa Lana")
Coline: "I am not Coline Rosa"..."Coline Blue Lana"!
Little Miss Blue turned three today. Blue IS her favorite color, by far.
Her birthday was duly celebrated with a picnic at school yesterday.
She has been so excited about turning three! In her own quiet way she loved being the center of attention. She took her part very seriously, focusing on the candles while her "coleguinhas" were singing "Parabens" and clapping hands. She pinched her lips when she realized all eyes were on her. She distributed her favorite fruit, blueberries, to the adventurous ones who went for the blueberry experience (blueberry is not common around here, although some new varieties seem to be growing well in the coolest parts of Brazil). I had a mom approaching me today to ask about the amazing grape that Coline had given her son. Something definitely happened between the two of them as he wouldn't stop asking her for more and she would cross the room with the greatest care to deliver him a spoonful of the berries as if she was carrying an egg in an egg race game. She judilated when I allowed her to eat blue sugar-coated chocolates as she pleased on that special day.
She is proud to be getting dressed all by herself, and when given a chance she will either go out as "Menina aranha" (Spidergirl) or just naked. She is a lazy cat in the morning and quite a night owl who will only get more and more hyper if I let her, but reading a story or five, once Leila is in bed, warm milk in a bottle and most of all a hug under a warm blanket and she peacefully falls asleep. She loves spreading objects on the floor all over the house and is convinced that it is not and will never be her job to collect them. When she talks about the snow (which she discovered last month), she has stars in her eyes. She is a sweet, bright and beautiful little person who won't miss an oportunity to laugh and make us laugh. I love you Coline Blue Lana!

Behind the scenes, was a whole week of making (sewing) a gift for her, preparing "lembrancinhas" for her party pack with Leila and her (a picture frame for her friends to decorate with buttons from her Brazilian grandmother's shop - what better place for a cat to have a nap than the exact piece of cardboard we are busy with?), trying and failing to produce coconut sweets (coconut milk, sugar and water, boil and poor over a marble table top and work by hand. Well, it did not work out this time, and so, buying additive-packed mini-chocolates instead, which she definitely was thrilled about - I suppose there was a lesson for me here), decorating the house with pictures of her and her gorgeous smile, a little baking in the morning and then literally hours of opening her presents. We do love birthdays.