Friday, October 24, 2014

all these stories untold

Some stories are long overdue in this space. I've drafted their account in my mind for many of them and they got caught up in the webs of routine and so many other things to focus my attention on during the post-bedtime hours that I get to spend with myself. Hopefully I'll get to tell some of them to you in person, others in writing and in the meantime, here are a few lines and pictures before the end-of-the-year whirlwind swallows me up until next year.

:: the one where I took part in an all-mummy circus show at Leila and Coline's school

:: the one where I read a book and became a real vegetarian for good

:: the one where I started a (part-time) postdoc in parasitology - hence the pic of us on campus

:: the one where I ended that postdoc and started a new one in polymer science again (full-time - hence the absence of recent pics)

:: the one where we set off to go to the dentist and came back with another young (female) doggy

:: the one where I managed to make homemade natural soap that I really love and make enough to share with some friends and neighbours - thanks to the best ever wedding present: the Braun stick-blender

:: the one about cutting wood with a small axe and feeling stronger than She-Ra

:: the one where we went back to the path to the Pico do Itacolomi and only made is just a little further than the first time

:: the one where I knit in blue for many months (pattern HERE: although I did not like the front so much and ended up adding a triangular piece to close it up)

:: the one where I realized that I LOVE the bedtime routine that has been going on for more that a year now, with some variations according to the seasons or the mood


  1. Happiness re-looking at these pict's...
    love & kisses,

  2. La photo du rituel du soir, on dirait les couleurs d'Halloween, qu'on voit ce soir un peu partout en ville
    Et chez vous, c' une soirée spéciale, aussi?
    Moi, je venais d'une soirée de magie, ...
    Boa noite !
    L & K,

  3. Qu'il est beau ce pull bleu comme la couleur de tes yeux...
    ce soir j'allumerai une bougie pensant à vous toutes. Muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Marion
