Sunday, November 22, 2015

wise seven

Coline is not the only one growing faster than our eyes can see. Leila is a newly discovered inconditional fan of shaking it off along with Taylor Swift and keeping her feet off the ground or up in the air. How white should door frames really aim to be? She likes playing dames and drinking grape juice in wine glasses in the evening, making breakfast for the younger ones after jumping on the trampoline on Saturday mornings while I am still in bed. Oh, and she´s and got the whole nail fashion under control, including not biting hers anymore. Life is pretty smooth around here since we accepted week-end schemes that include at least one friend sleepover. Loosing her top front teeth suddenly seem to have made way for words of wisdom and a better understanding of our needs as her parents and we now can enjoy the full potential of her fiery and sensitive personnality.

1 comment:

  1. Big, big big girls !
    Already playing dames?!!!!!,
    and sport, on top of that, and beautiful!
    comme vous me manquez !...mes grandes Chéries !
