Monday, May 28, 2012

big fat laugh

We have a guest at home these days and last night at dinner he shared a big fat laugh with us. Coline was having her favorite finger food: soup and it would be more appropriate to say that her bib - jersey - pants - and shoes were having it. Tintin and Scratchy were at her feet, "helping" sort out the mess. Meanwhile Cristiano was busy commenting on how difficult it is to deal with children for a whole week-end. Just then, Leila aka Princess Fiona let an improbable soup burp escape her comparatively minute body and as I turned to witness her genuinely proud face I saw the cat jump onto the dinner table to which I responded with a loud and scary bang on the table. And this is where the only option for us all was to crack laughing, because really, this seemed just like a Tim Burton scene where the next thing to come, had we not laughed, could have been a set of false teeth in the soup or our gecko friend falling from the ceiling.

The moral of the evening was something along those lines: Go with the flow and dinner is a feast. Resist it and you'll realize you're sinking in a muddy puddle.


  1. Oh,Dear, dear!
    these children !
    c' tout nature! c' tout bon !
    Good film and description. Je sens que je vais me le rejouer plusieurs fois. Don't change too quickly, please... ...

  2. Nouveau paquet parti ce soir de la poste, avec qlq petits trucs de celui qui est revenu aujourd'hui...
    On espère que celui-ci ne posera pas de difficultés, ...
