Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Coline has no fear

Coline has been extremely busy lately. She is a happy, cheerful and easy going little girl, and quite a handful too. Coline loves dogs, "tchin-tchin" of course but all and every one that she sees or hears, and she has no fear.

She also loves cellphones and handbags. She has this new habit of grabing a handbag, putting it on her arm and heading for the stairs for us to take her for a walk, any time of the day, be it before breakfast and without a nappy. As I said she has no fear.

She has no fear but luckily she is cautious, what a great combination!

1 comment:

  1. C' très bien tout ça, le seul hic (= "snag"),
    c' que le Brésil et la France sont si loin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    gros bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzous
