Friday, April 22, 2011

1 month already

Coline loves her new bucket bathtub and Leila loves it when Coline has a bath. It is not free of trouble because Leila thinks that Coline is a doll whose hair has to be combed and massaged and styled ("so that it does not go into her eyes") with passion, and so my job has been to avoid Coline being poked in the eyes.

Leila loves poking, and touching people's ears, and checking how far Coline's limbs - and my patience - can stretch. Lately, as we are in a 5-days easter week-end, meaning 5 days without school, my patience has lost elasticity, but I am working on it. And I get lots of help for that. Since mamie-Claire left Silvia has been taking care of Coline every morning for an hour or two so that I can go for a walk with Leila. And so we go and explore the neighborhood and have a picnic of fruit juice and pao de queijo while I think of the next trick to divert Leila from asking me to carry her.

We have had some tricky times as well, when Leila had pneumonia (and this is how I had "baby-Leila" back in a sling), and later when Coline had laryngitis. Everybody is much healthier now, even though we all have a sore throat (Leila gets it from shouting. I get it from not shouting. I wonder why Coline got it). Leila wants to be in my arms whenever Coline gets a feed, but general accept the one-arm compromise that is offered to her, in particular when the Sound of Music distracts her in the background. She currently loves doing the opposite to what we ask her to do (such as not slamming the door because Coline just fell asleep) but she generally is a happy little almost 3-year old who enjoys dancing, singing, and just discovered girly fashion and changing her clothes 10 times a day.

So far Coline has been a super-chilled baby who sleeps the whole night through, hardly waking up to ask for a breast. We, parents, are discovering that it is possible for a baby to be awake without crying and we are feeling blessed for that.


  1. bonjourrrr d'Angleterre!

    merci pour ces toutes jolies photos!
    vous etes tres mignones...
    Maman nous raconte quelques petites histoires de son sejour chaque jour, c cool..

    plein de besos a vous!

  2. Merci pour ces supers photos. C'est un plaisir de voir que tu as posté un nouvel article, un plaisir chacune de ces photos, vos sourires, des instantanés de vos vies... J'aime lire le commentaire d'Edwi au dessus aussi. Bref, que de l'AMOUR ♥ ! Je t'embrasse, je vous embrasse. Algrid

  3. Alors, je reecris mon comm de ce matin, qui est reste ici:
    Des new photos cet apres-Midi!
    Quelles magnifiques big girls, chacune dans son style...Vous faites plair a voir et revoir.

    et comme petite Coline a change en qlq jours! ses yeux sont bleus, il me semble?
    et deja les jambes tendues , dans ta main?
    gros bisoux, mes amours,

  4. Merci pour les nouvelles et les jolies photos! Je me suis régalée de vous voir. Coline se remplit bien, qu'elle est belle! Quelle jolie famille! Gros bisous de nous 4. Valérie

  5. Aaah Gwen you look stunning, I miss you so. Leila is getting so big, I like to see her the smiles makes me think you are away on a big adventure enjoying everyday. Think of you always.bisou for you and all your girls

  6. COUCOU ma douce! dis, tu voudras essayer de prendre une photo des minettes comme on en a une tete a tete en travers du lit? j'adorrrre cette photo, je me demande a quel point elle me plairait avec Leila et Coline....
    plein de bisous a vous! Tatie Dina
