Saturday, September 24, 2011


As we discovered in National Geographic's September 2011 issue, by having two children Cristiano and I have contributed to an increase in Brazil's fertility rate. Who would have known?? Well demographers, of course, but who else would believe that from 6.3 (!) in 1960 the number of children a woman bears on average has dropped to 1.9 (!!!!) in 2009 without any government policy to even promote birth control.


  1. I suspect you want to increase it a little bit more.....??

  2. Quelle bonne idée de Jane!

  3. I am not sure what I would like. My body and heart would like to give birth again and hold a baby again, but my mind is not so enthusiastic. As for Cristiano he mentions China or me getting another husband whenever the idea of another child comes up (generally he brings it up). Plus, it is not so popular around here to have lots of children anymore ;-)

  4. Oui!, d'accord, en tant que mamie, si qlq'1 veut bien entendre mon avis...
    2 enfants, 1 homme, 1 chien, peut-être encore un chat, des poissons-miroirs ?
    cha chuffit, la Vie et le temps sont pleinement occupés avec tout ça, non?
    Moi, avec mon Chacha, des rencontres de tous genres, et le net, la vie est pleine et belle!

  5. Oui!, d'accord, en tant que mamie, si qlq'1 veut bien entendre mon avis...
    2 enfants, 1 homme, 1 chien, peut-être encore un chat, des poissons-miroirs ?
    cha chuffit, la Vie et le temps sont pleinement occupés avec tout ça, non?
    Moi, avec mon Chacha, des rencontres de tous genres, et le net, la vie est pleine et belle!
