Saturday, March 12, 2011

birthing ceremony pics

The birthing ceremony took place on Tuesday March 8th. Since then I have been trying to write individually to all of you who sent me beads and more, and I am very slow at it. Let's see if the baby gives me enough time to do so...
Here are a few pictures to share with you who were not physically present but so close in thoughts.

The day after - more beads

Leila taking her role as a mother of Corentin very seriously (yes the stairs are steep)

My favorite spot


  1. ouhhh....
    comme je suis touchée...
    je t'aime
    et c clair qu'il va falloir penser a arrêter les larmes des que je rentre de près ou de loin en contact avec toi...

  2. Looks stunning, love the necklace.

  3. C'est vrai qu'elle est enorme cette perle!!! Ahahahaaahahh
