Sunday, April 29, 2012

April pics

Here are some April pics. In my mind April means spring. The days are getting shorter here, but apart from that it does feel like spring. 
Coline has fun with marker and ballpens and Leila still does, which means that they really have something in common now. They also both like the cat a lot, and playing on the rooftop, where we are busy putting together a "forest", and clipping their nails in the loo at 7 am (Cristiano took the picture because I was still asleep!!)


  1. Mais c' est vous le roi et la reine franco-brésil!
    en tout cas, on voit déjà les princesses...
    je les aime toutes, ces photos, mais je trouve que celle où Leila est dans le pot de la plante, jambes invisibles, est particulièrement réussie.

  2. Hello, le Brésil,
    on est déjà en mai!
    alors les jolies photos d'avril, je les connais par coeur, et j'attends les nouvelles ! de la danseuse, de l'exploratrice, des parents, du chat, du chien....tout et tout...
    mamie Claire.
